Mingis on Tech: Hackable health records, bold predictions for 2016

Executive News Editor Ken Mingis and Computerworld staffers discuss the sorry state of health record security and bold predictions for the coming year in IT.

Welcome to Mingis on Tech, Computerworld's new video podcast on IT-related news you can use.

In this second episode, Executive News Editor Ken Mingis sits down with Computerworld senior writer Lucas Mearian and senior features editor Tracy Mayor to discuss the sorry state of medical records security -- up to one third of all personal health files are expected to be breached in 2016.

Also on the docket: As part of Computerworld's Forecast 2016 special report, we asked IT leaders to share their boldest predictions for IT in the year ahead. From a catastrophic cloud meltdown to the rising singularity, Ken and companions cover the most out-there prognostications and toss in a few of their own.

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