Stories by Christine Burns

8 ways to become a cloud security expert

Information about how to securely navigate in the public clouds is, well, cloudy. We asked enterprise IT folks and IT consultants what resources they turned to get educated on this particular topic. The responses can loosely be broken down into three categories: niche conferences; big conferences, and authoritative voices accessible on the Internet.

Christine Burns | 12 Oct | Read more

5 cloud security companies to watch

Security is one of the major impediments to enterprises moving their resources into the cloud. So, it's not surprising that numerous cloud security companies are springing up, attempting to address specific cloud security issues, like protecting virtual machines or encrypting data in motion.

Christine Burns | 12 Oct | Read more

4 essential cloud security tips

More and more enterprise IT shops - as they get comfortable with virtualization practices in their own private clouds - are considering a jump to the public cloud. But before making that leap, consider these pieces of advice from those that have already jumped.

Christine Burns | 12 Oct | Read more