Stories by Alex Castle

Protect your PC in the web's worst neighborhoods

Your data. Your wallet. Your identity. In the darker corners of the internet, it's all fair game, and disaster could be one unwitting click away. Protect yourself by learning about the web's most common dangers, and how to avoid them. Also, take some basic steps to make your PC more resistant to harm.

Alex Castle | 12 Feb | Read more

12 Must-Do PC Tasks

Computers may have become a lot more user-friendly over the past decade, but they're still far from perfect--PCs require a certain amount of configuration and maintenance to operate at their full potential. Unfortunately, because we humans are also far from perfect, we frequently don't put in the work we should, and we end up with a slower, sloppier, less secure machine as a result.

Alex Castle | 05 Apr | Read more

A road warrior's guide to locking down your laptop

Mobile computing may be convenient, but it's also inherently risky. When you drag your laptop to the coffee shop or bring it along on your travels, you're making all your private data and one of your most expensive possessions a big, fat target for sticky-fingered thieves. And unlike traditional theft targets like jewelry or wallets, a laptop is an easy steal--the baddies just need to wait for you to turn your back, then grab the computer and run. In some cases, a criminal doesn't even need to steal your notebook. He can simply pull your sensitive data out of thin air.

Alex Castle | 22 Jan | Read more

Encrypt (almost) anything

It's all too easy to neglect data security, especially for a small business. While bigger organizations have IT departments, service contracts, and enterprise hardware, smaller companies frequently rely on consumer software, which lacks the same sort of always-on security functionality.

Alex Castle | 18 Jan | Read more