iSpot gets hacked; Using 4G just got easier

Wherever there's a gadget, there's probably a hacker close behind trying to jailbreak it. Clear's portable WiFi and 4G iSpot is no exception.

The hotspot device, which lets up to eight iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads connect to it at once, has been hacked in various ways since its release. However, Jaku, one of the original hack developers, has made a discovery to make it even easier to lift surfing restrictions.

He found that by using a specific IP address and a bit of Web coding, you could exploit a security flaw in the device, and gain remote access to the iSpot and add your own machine to a hotspot..

Jaku notified Clear of the flaw, but the company hasn't yet released a patch. That said, hacker beware: If you hack your iSpot, you'll likely void your warranty.

and Seclists via Engadget]

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