Mark Zuckerberg allegedly stalked on Facebook

Facebook CEO obtains restraining order against alleged stalker; hearing set for Feb. 22

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has allegedly been stalked by a man on his own social networking site.

A spokesman for Facebook confirmed to Computerworld today that Zuckerberg received a restraining order against a man allegedly stalking him.

Court records in Superior Court in Santa Clara County show that the restraining order was issued Jan. 31 against Pradeep Manukonda. A hearing is scheduled for Feb. 22.

The alleged stalking comes during a time of widespread media attention for Zuckerberg.

In December, The Facebook co-founder was named Time Magazine Person of the Year, ahead of Julian Assange, the man behind WikiLeaks, and the Tea Party organization.

Earlier in 2010, Zuckerberg was portrayed in the movie The Social Network as a socially inept and angry young man who became more villain than hero as he created and ran Facebook.

Shortly thereafter, Zuckerberg moved to polish his image a bit by creating a foundation called Startup: Education. The foundation donated $100 million to the struggling Newark, N.J., school system.

And then last December, Zuckerberg pledged to donate most of his wealth to charity.

Sharon Gaudin covers the Internet and Web 2.0, emerging technologies, and desktop and laptop chips for Computerworld. Follow Sharon on Twitter at @sgaudin , or subscribe to Sharon's RSS feed . Her e-mail address is

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