The week in security: Government puts its cybersecurity money where its mouth is

The Labor government’s $1.46b commitment to boosting cybersecurity efforts was a significant investment in an area where the ‘good guys’ have often seemed hopelessly outgunned. The funding was welcomed by industry figures but, predictably, slammed by the Opposition as lacking detail.

Other countries were moving towards stronger cybersecurity protections, with US authorities urging Congress to pass new legislation and the UK signing up to the World Economic Forum cyber crime initiative.

All are trying to fight a changing threat profile that continues to challenge and frustrate efforts to protect or eradicate malicious online activities. While the good news is that spam levels are falling, the bad news is that 2013 will be filled with other kinds of cyber attacks, if a study by Verizon proves correct.

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Tags cloud securitymalwarespamverizoncyberattacksprivacy acttrojansWorld Economic Forum cyber crime initiative

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