Stories by Jon Gold

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The smartphone is 20 years old, believe it or not

The breakneck pace of change in the smartphone world is well known: Since the iPhone catalyzed popular demand in 2007, development has been moving faster and faster, to the point where devices are out of date mere months after their release. However, this wasn't always the case. In fact, according to some estimates, the smartphone is actually all of 20 years old, as of last Friday.

Jon Gold | 27 Nov | Read more

Cerf: Secret wartime projects drove 'incredible' advances

The Enigma cypher machine used by the German military in World War II is still a tough nut to crack today. The total number of ways it can be configured for every letter is around 150 million million million. That's enough to keep it beyond the reach of all but the most determined of brute force attacks.

Jon Gold | 11 Jun | Read more